Bariatric Surgeries

For some overweight people, shedding pounds is a lot tougher than one might think. So, when all other attempts at weight loss have failed. Obesity surgeries are the best answer.

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Bariatric Surgeries


There are a lot of gastric surgeries and all are effective in reducing weight like

Gastric Balloon:

A gastric balloon is an inflatable silicone balloon that is inserted into your stomach to occupy space and limit the food carrying capacity of the stomach. This makes you feel full sooner and limits your intake to smaller portions.

Gastric Botox

In this procedure the Botox is injected by endoscopy to relax the stomach muscles, causing them to contract less, and that will lead to feeling full for a longer time thus eating less and helping you lose weight!

Sleeve Gastrectomy

The size of the stomach is greatly reduced, restricting the amount of food the patient can eat and making him lose weight. Another effect is that a degree of malabsorption may happen after the surgery which also helps in the weight loss process. The hunger will also decrease as the funds secrete the “ghrelin “hormone which is responsible for feeling hungry.

Gastric Bypass Surgery

Gastric bypass surgery involves creating a small pouch from the stomach and connecting the newly created pouch directly to the small intestine. This means it takes less food to make you feel full and you’ll absorb fewer calories from the food you eat.

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