
Ophthalmology is the study of medical conditions related to the eyes. our department of ophthalmology has internationally renowned eye physicians and surgeons to provide comprehensive care for people who seek answers about conditions and diseases of their eyes.

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Eye Lasik, Laser, Femto – Lasik

With traditional LASIK, a controlled blade (microkeratome) is used to create the flap (a kind of hinged piece of corneal tissue). With advanced bladeless Femto-LASIK, a highly precise flap is quickly created with a femtosecond laser

Corneal Transplantation (Keratoplasty)

Corneal transplantation or keratoplasty is the most commonly performed and also the most successful allogenic transplant worldwide. corneal transplantation has evolved from the replacement of full-thickness cornea to the replacement of selective diseased layers of the cornea

Cataract Surgery Smart Lens

Using a smart lens in cataract surgery is to increase the accuracy of cataract surgery and greatly enhances the visual outcome. These lenses are attached to the eye with cataract surgery and allow the patient to see the near, intermediate and far distances of the eye without the need for glasses.

Retina surgery vitrectomy

It’s a type of eye operation. A doctor removes the vitreous, jelly-like fluid inside your eye, and replaces it with a saline solution.

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