Gamma Knife Surgery

Gamma Knife Surgery

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About Gamma Knife Surgery

it is a treatment method that uses radiation and computer-guided planning to treat brain tumours, vascular malformations and other abnormalities in the brain. It is a minimally invasive, non-surgical option for patients with certain conditions of the head, neck and brain. It has a machine that delivers a single, finely focused, high dose of radiation to its target while causing little or no damage to surrounding tissue. it is an alternative to traditional brain surgery and whole-brain radiation therapy for the treatment of complex, difficult brain conditions.

Gamma knife surgery indication

Gamma Knife can be used to treat any kind of neurological disorder including benign tumours like Meningioma, Pituitary Tumors, Vestibular Schwannoma (audio–balance nerve tumour), Trigeminal Schwannoma, Hemangioblastoma, Pineal Region Tumors, Craniopharyngioma, Glomus Jugular Tumors, Chordoma or malignant tumours like Metastasis, Uveal Melanoma, Some Glial Tumors, Hemangiopericytoma, Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma and many other diseases.

Before the Gamma knife procedure

patients visit the hospital for possible blood tests, and to meet with the doctors and nurses who will participate in the procedure
Don’t eat or drink anything after midnight the evening before your procedure (for AVM procedures only).
Stop taking certain medicines like blood thinners before the procedure, if instructed by your provider
Plan to have someone drive you home after the procedure
Wash your scalp the night before your Gamma Knife procedure.

During The Procedure:

The head frame that is made of aluminium and weighs less than two pounds is placed on the head. This is essential in keeping the target perfectly aligned during the precision treatment.
Then local anaesthesia is injected on each side of the forehead and the back of the head.
Then imaging scan, such as CT or MRI scan is performed with the head frame in place.
After the imaging studies are performed, you will be taken to a waiting room while your treatment is planned.
After the doctors plan your treatment, you will be brought to the Gamma Knife area and placed on the treatment bed, lying on your back.
When treatment starts, you will move into a large shielded sphere. Each “shot” of radiation will last one to several minutes.
The entire procedure from frame application until treatment completion usually takes most of the day.

After gamma knife surgery

you will be transferred to a recovery room.
If you experience a headache or nausea or vomiting, you’ll be given medication.
Discharge and follow-up instructions will be explained and you’ll receive an instructional handout.
It is usually recommended that the patient refrains from physical activity over the next 18 to 24 hours.
you may wash your hair/scalp 48 hours after your surgery. This allows the pin sites to begin to heal and prevents infection from developing in the wounds.

Risks and Side Effects of Gamma Knife Surgery

Any medical procedure has certain risks and potential side effects. Possible side effects of gamma knife surgery are Headache, Scalp swelling, Seizures, and Bleeding (brain haemorrhage). Difficulty with balance, Vision or hearing deficits Reddening and Irritation of Skin Within the Treatment Areas, Hair loss can occur as a temporary side effect is localized and superficial lesions, Numbness/tingling sensation on the scalp at the pin placement sites.

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